ACLU of Utah Statement on ‘Back the Blue’ Hate Crime Enhancement in Garfield County
ACLU of Utah Statement on ‘Back the Blue’ Hate Crime Enhancement in Garfield County
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ACLU of Utah Statement on ‘Back the Blue’ Hate Crime Enhancement in Garfield County
As more Utahns gain access to COVID-19 vaccines, a logical next step is to rely on technological credentialing systems—accessed through a smartphone app or website—to confirm whether a person is vaccinated.
May 20, 2021 | As we stated in our open letter on April 27, 2021, there have been significant discrepancies in COVID-19 vaccine access for individuals incarcerated in Utah county jails.
As Utah continues its efforts to defend against COVID-19, including to vaccinate as many people against it as possible, state and local governments must commit to focused efforts within historically underserved and vulnerable populations.
Let us be clear: the First Amendment has not changed in Utah. The people of Utah today retain the same right to protest and engage in other activities protected by the First Amendment as they did in 2020.
This victory comes after the ACLU of Utah Foundation (ACLU of Utah) and Disability Law Center (DLC) filed a lawsuit in 2018 against Davis County to gain access to the standards for operating local and county jails.