Comment on to Salt Lake City's “Public Safety Plan"
"We need to protect the constitutional rights of all individuals, regardless of their housing status". Read our response to Salt Lake City's “Public Safety Plan"
Freedom of the press is part of the fabric of our democracy. It acts as a check against government power and a tool for enabling the public to make informed decisions. This is why we make media relations an essential facet of our work.
The ACLU of Utah has a Communications team to handle media inquiries and requests for comment. Our affiliate is mentioned in over 1.5K media stories per year.
For media inquiries or questions, email Aaron Welcher at [email protected] or fill out our media inquiry/press distribution list form.
"We need to protect the constitutional rights of all individuals, regardless of their housing status". Read our response to Salt Lake City's “Public Safety Plan"
By joining the lawsuit to overturn this rule, the State of Utah has failed young gender-diverse Utahns, undermining the civil rights of these students who deserve the freedom to live openly and safely in school. Read Here.
Everyone in America, no matter their immigration status, has the right to due process - Governor Cox cannot unilaterally waive that right. Infringing on the right to due process violates the Constitution, undermines civil rights, and jeopardizes public trust in law enforcement. Read Here.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Utah Foundation, Inc. (ACLU of Utah) has named Jason M. Groth its new Legal Director. Read here.
WASHINGTON — Anthony D. Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), had the following reaction to The Associated Press’ call of the 2024 presidential election for Donald Trump
Language access is not just a matter of convenience—it’s a civil right. Language Access is Voter Access, and this election, we are focused on empowering voters, including LEP individuals, by ensuring they know their rights and have the resources to make informed decisions. Read Here.