Commercial Speech and Free Expression - In November 2002, commercial speech advocate and Salt Lake City resident B. L. Brereton filed the latest in a series of lawsuits seeking to do away with an unconstitutional city ordinance prohibiting the posting of "For Sale" signs on private vehicles. After three lawsuits (see B.L. Brereton v. Taylorsville City Corporation, B. L. Brereton v. Holladay City Corporation, and Mobile Media On the Go v. Salt Lake City Corporation), Brereton agreed to give Utah cities and counties until September 1, 2002 to repeal the ordinance.
Draper City and Salt Lake County chose instead to be named plaintiffs, and Brereton and cooperating attorney Brian Barnard were happy to oblige. As in the previous cases, the lawsuits sought and obtained a permanent injunction against the ordinances and $1 in damages.