Press Release: ACLU Represents Planned Parenthood in a Lawsuit in Utah to Block the Trigger Ban
ACLU of Utah represents Planned Parenthood in a lawsuit in Utah to block the trigger ban.
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The ACLU of Utah has a Communications team to handle media inquiries and requests for comment. Our affiliate is mentioned in over 1.5K media stories per year.
For media inquiries or questions, email Aaron Welcher at [email protected] or fill out our media inquiry/press distribution list form.
ACLU of Utah represents Planned Parenthood in a lawsuit in Utah to block the trigger ban.
The ACLU of Utah released this statement in response to the Supreme Court of the United States of America issuing a devastating decision overturning Roe v. Wade. Read it here!
Utah Pride Center and ACLU Utah urge principals to ignore harmful ”guidance” that will hurt trans students.
ACLU Utah, NCLR, and the firm Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati are representing Utah Families in Lawsuit Challenging the State’s Ban on Transgender Girls Playing School Sports.
We are deeply disappointed and saddened at today's votes by the Utah Legislature to discriminate against transgender youth to exclude them from participating fully in sports.
Discriminating against transgender athletes not only prevents them from experiencing the sense of confidence and inclusion associated with participating in sport, but it also compounds the exclusion and trauma far too many transgender Utahns already experience.