During the 2025 legislative session, we fought tirelessly against unprecedented government overreach to protect your civil rights and liberties. See how your rights were impacted in our 2025 Utah Legislative Report.
Freedom of the press is part of the fabric of our democracy. It acts as a check against government power and a tool for enabling the public to make informed decisions. This is why we make media relations an essential facet of our work.
The ACLU of Utah has a Communications team to handle media inquiries and requests for comment. Our affiliate is mentioned in over 1.5K media stories per year.
HB252 is a direct attack on the rights of incarcerated people and a clear violation of established legal protections. You have a constitutional duty to veto this bill, not just a political choice.
The undersigned disability and civil rights organizations write to express our grave concerns about S.B. 199, “Guardianship Amendments” and urge the House to vote no on this expansive and harmful bill.
HB465 would force Salt Lake City police to sign a pact with the state Department of Public Safety to clear homeless encampments and target illegal drugs — or give up crucial state funding. If the State wants to address unsheltered encampments, it should put its money where the housing is. Read Here.
"HB300 is a ban on vote-by-mail in Utah and a direct attack on your rights. More than 96% of Utahns rely on this secure, trusted system—but lawmakers are using baseless fraud claims to take it away, proving once again they aren’t interested in protecting your rights," said Aaron Welcher.