Media Contact

Aaron Welcher, Communications Director, ACLU of Utah
317.376.0468, [email protected]

June 20, 2024

The American Civil Liberties Union of Utah Foundation released the following comment on Special Session and Title IX Enforcement:

“No state, including Utah, can declare that its laws preempt conflicting federal laws, much less the U.S. Constitution. Utah’s actions yesterday irresponsibly puts at risk federal education funding in the name of advancing an anti-trans agenda that harms children and families in Utah. We are committed to continuing to advance our ongoing litigation fighting Utah's ban on transgender athletes competing in school sports and to keep litigation on the table for Utah's other anti-trans laws targeting youth from the past several years. Until state officials repudiate these laws, we will all suffer the legal and social consequences they have created and will create in the future,” said John Mejia, Legal Director, ACLU of Utah