On May 16, 2018 the ACLU of Utah filed a lawsuit on behalf of Dustin Porter and Steven Drollette (“Plaintiffs”) seeking damages and injunctive relief for a pattern of severe cruelty against them while they were incarcerated at the Daggett County Jail. In their complaints, the Plaintiffs describe being shocked with a Taser for guards’ entertainment, being attacked by police dogs, being physically assaulted, being threatened with a gun, and being denied medical and mental health care, among other instances of abuse.
Plaintiffs contend that Daggett County’s failure to supervise its staff was all but certain to cause Eight Amendment Violations, putting the Plaintiffs’ safety and dignity at risk. As a result, Plaintiffs suffered severe and traumatic injuries.
Legal Documents
- Porter v. Dagget County: Complaint (PDF) (5/16/18)