Fighting Injustice in Utah
News & Commentary
DEI and Accessibility, Explained
ACLU UT's Nick Arteaga Testified Against HB 250
Read testimony from Nick Arteaga, Transgender Rights Strategist & Organizer, opposing HB 250 (Public Employee Gender-specific Language Requirements)
Press Releases
Veto Letter to Governor Cox on HB300
Utah has long been a leader in safe, reliable elections that are free from fraud and unnecessary barriers. HB300 threatens that reality by adding burdensome voting requirements.
Veto Letter to Governor Cox on SB199
The American Civil Liberties Union of Utah (ACLU of Utah) strongly urges Gov. Spencer Cox to veto SB199, Guardianship Amendments, a sweeping and damaging bill that threatens to strip critical rights from...
ACLU of Utah Urges Gov. Cox to veto HB77
This isn’t about flags but about othering and erasing LGBTQ+ people from public life. Read Here.
Protecting Your Rights Means Protecting Everyone’s
When lawmakers target one group, they threaten your family’s freedom, too. Join us in stopping government overreach during this legislative session.